The Ethnological Museum in Damascus 2008

On May 31, 2008, and for nine days, an expedition of The Ethnological Museum of Barcelona, it travels to Síria to present conferences, exhibitions and demonstrations of ethnological patrimony. Several affiliations of Barcelona dedicated to the study and the diffusion of this patrimony accompany the Museum in this project that presents in Síria the most genuine of the traditional culture of our country: the holiday. A group of 25 experts in folklore, organizers of traditional festivals of Barcelona, anthropologists, narrates of histories, dancers, musicians, choreographers, carriers of giant and bigheaded, move there to share the proper culture with the people of Damascus, Tartous and Lattakia. Our intention is to establish the dialogue between our cultures, following the steps that 200 years ago there should initiate the Catalan traveler Domingo Badía Leblich, Alí Bei.


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